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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. @ Tyrus, the devil makes me do a lot of things too.
  2. What a great table, gotta love that live edge.
  3. Basher, I am following your project with great interest and loving it.
  4. Sounds good to me and I usually go for 350F until the internal temp. I want is reached.
  5. Sounds good to me and I usually go for 350F until the internal temp. I want is reached.
  6. Troble, that is going to be sooo tasty.
  7. Made a new to me recipe for mushroom soup today and it is a winner. The only connection to the KK is that I used chicken stock with the bones of a grilled chicken. I consider this recipe to be a winner. Found the recipe here - https://www.daringgourmet.com/cream-of-mushroom-soup
  8. Same to you, Tony. I know it's true because I just saw my first chipmunk of the year.
  9. I know I'm bad but ROFL.
  10. I put my pulled pork to use to make a sandwich for lunch. I wish I had a Guinness.
  11. That 8:15 AM pork butt cook turned into a marathon cook, just shortly after 4 AM I pulled it off the KK. You know what comes next I had to pull and sample it was 5 AM when I got to bed. The start up. Ready to pull. It was moist. I was afraid it would be dry after that 20 hour cook. The first 170 F was at 225 F then I moved it to 235 F.
  12. No, I think if you plug those hole the fire will go out. There will be lots of smoke inside the KK. Make sure you get good pellets, ones that don't have a bunch of additives. It will make a world of difference in keeping your smoker running. I use Lumber Jack Pellets, others will probably chime in and tell you what they find to be good pellets.
  13. I have a butt on, it's been on since 8:15AM and is now in the stall at 166.6F. For lunch I had a nice Montreal Smoked meat sandwich.
  14. Looks great, anxious to see how it cooks.
  15. Next time I should try that, Toney, it looks delicious.:)
  16. If it was mine, I'd have my dog's paw prints embedded for sure.
  17. Bought a couple of chuck roasts yesterday and decided to grind them for burgers or meatloaf. After I clean up I made chicken burgers with breaded spiced chicken I also picked up yesterday. Air fryer @375F for 10 mins. It was a quick lunch. Toast buns with Duke's Mayo, garlic spice, black pepper and chili pepper.
  18. Nice breakfast, gotta love a gooood breakfast.
  19. Here is what I do. 1. I like the Milwaukee - M18 Compact Blower. 2. I scoop from the top into metal container. No need to get every last bit of ash out in my opinion. 3. I like to use a metal tray, like the SS tray that comes with the KK. 4. I use the Kurly Kate rub the grates when done cleaning to make sure there are no little pieces of metal that will get into my good.
  20. Well, it doesn't get much more beautiful than that. Great shot of the new pads too.
  21. I am going to be doing a pork but in the next couple of days and I hope mine come out looking as delicious as yours. Just look at the white interior disappear. LOL
  22. Same thing going on here, the market was cancelled.
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