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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. It was a rainy cold day here so I took the easy way out and made a smoked meat sandwich with chips. Used the air fryer for the chips.
  2. @Tony, I'd get up close and personal with that dinner too.
  3. Stunning KK and great looking plan, just keep in mind that food cooked on the KK does taste better, just saying.
  4. Awesome, Alimac, love the look of those pizzas and crust, now I want pizza.
  5. You are going to be thrilled with this purchase, even if you did choose tiles.
  6. I have found the PC eggs to be much easier to peel but not 100% with very fresh eggs.
  7. Did another pressure cooked egg today, it takes less than 10 mins. to do it.
  8. Looking forward to the reno pixs.
  9. What a great KK and those cooks look wonderful. Already you have gotten rid of the white interior. Yes, I agree it's the pebbles that make everything cook perfectly.
  10. Another PC egg, this time hard boiled. Love the nice texture of the PC egg.
  11. All this talk of egg cooking pushed me to get out the pc and cook my breakfast egg. Results- Just the way I wanted it.
  12. The older the egg the easier to peel. A fresh egg is very difficult to peel cleanly I'm sorry to say.
  13. A tasty looking sandwich and you did it all. I just caught on today that your salt beef is our corned beef.
  14. Perfect, you are going to be overwhelmed when you get your KK and even more when you taste the food you cook on it.
  15. Exactly, it is important to shield the end of the probe that is not in the meat from the direct heat of the fire.
  16. Tasty dinner, Tony, great call on the hummus. It has been ages since I've used my tagine, maybe it's time to drag it out. Speaking of dragging, I've been dragging my butt around with a miserable cold. It seems to be getting better and this tasty dish has my taste buds activated.
  17. That really is a sandwich adventure. Looking forward to the finished product and the review.
  18. Basher, I'd love to be eating a serving of that lasagna for my breakfast, but, alas I don't think there's much hope of that. Beautiful greens, too cold here at the moment but another few months and I hope to be doing the same. I see we have the Vegepod here too.
  19. I hope that jar doesn't last a lifetime. I am counting on using it up before it goes stale.
  20. I figure those yeast beasties are just like me and if I wasn't feed for 2 weeks I wouldn't be doing much either. Awesome looking last batch. You are inspiring me to feed feed feed, my starter that is.
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