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12 hours ago, MacKenzie said:

You guessed it, I was hoping to surprise you but ...

Don't worry Mac....the ferry sank....think it was a U-boat...gonna swim back to shore. Lusitania?, thought that ships name I was on was familiar.Don't feel bad, had some good BBq on board before we went down

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I picked up a couple of nice racks of beef ribs yesterday, cooking them today for my parents fair well meal as they are headed back to the UK tonight.


Smoking over cherry wood with Caribeque bold beef rub, more pics to come as the cook progresses.








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Looking good, @alimac23!

I've been out of commission the past week and a half or so and unable to fire up the KK.  This eve, I finally put the roti and the new Meater Block to work.  Simple S&P for one bird.  The other got the Bexton's Mango Habenero treatment.  So easy.  So good.




One question on technique.  I piled the coals towards the rear of the 32 and lit 2 spots - one to the left and one t the right.  The right took off better than the left and as a result, one bird was ready well before the other.  Should I have simply lit a single spot in the middle?

I've got my heart set on some beef tomorrow.  @tekobo's thread on aged meats got me all excited!  If I can get my act together, I'll throw a little sous vide octopus on for a starter.   Nothing like making up for lost time!

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I saw a piece of brisket in the store the other day, it's a rare thing to see brisket so I thought I'd pickup a package. It weighed just under 2 pounds.

Rubbed with Worcestershire and sprinkled on lots of pepper, cayenne and granulated garlic. Let it sit overnight.

Setup my very old Digi Q for a cook at 225F. 


It ran for 12 hours and the IT was only 172F at 12:30AM. I took it off the KK.



Had a couple of slices before going to bed. Flavour was great although the meat was a little drier than I expected. It has that flavour that take one bite and you want another and another. :)


No bacon for this breakfast, brisket all the way.



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Decided to give the folks at Porter Road meats a try after reading about them.


I like how they do the unusual cuts, so I decided to try a Bavette steak. They recommend a hot direct grill until medium. I tossed on some coffee wood chunks and cooked it on the lower grill. Dome was reading about 400F.


They recommended serving it with a chimichurri sauce - twist my arm on that one! I had also cooked an ear of corn on the half main grate before tossing on the steak. Served along with some mushrooms and a side salad and a nice Pinot Noir.


Next up on the menu will be their Denver Steak. 



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Inspired by a recent Fogo vid, I tried my hand some grilled octopus.  No pounding to tenderize or worries about over-cooking - just nice sous vide bath, an overnight marinade, and a few short minutes on the KK.  Boom!  A tasty meal for a Monday night after a day at the office.


One afterthought - I imagine that if it weren't for the extra space taken up by the lemons and tomatoes, this would have been perfect for a konro (sorry Mac!).  I say "imagine" because I don't have one but am verrrry intrigued....


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On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 PM, MacKenzie said:



I missed this picture of the brisket when I saw your last post Mac.  Super gorgeous.  Brisket, the mew breakfast food!

4 hours ago, tony b said:

I like how they do the unusual cuts, so I decided to try a Bavette steak. They recommend a hot direct grill until medium.

Nice job Tony.  I love Bavette.  I think it is a type of skirt but not sure.  It is also awesome cooked hot and fast until rare. 

As for @El Pescador and octopus.  How beautiful is that??? You'll have me running to the fish market this weekend.  We should get Mac to do the trial run on her konro though.  :love7: 

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13 minutes ago, tony b said:

Amazing grilled octopus! I fell in love with it in Greece last year. But, I can't get it here in landlocked Iowa! 

This particular specimen apparently lived his/her best life off the coast of Spain before tickling my palette here in California.  If I've got my geography right, that means that at some point, that octopus flew right over your place.  Shame one doesn't have the courtesy to stop in and say hello!

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5 minutes ago, tony b said:

Hoping to rekindle my love for grilled octopus during this year's vacation to Barcelona in September. If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must surely go to the mountain!

Nice, very nice. Spain...love it. Gonna be in a place not far from you called Vale soon and I don't suppose they'll have octopus. I wonder what kind of delicacy's we might find,,,,don't tell me oysters! I'll be lookin though

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14 hours ago, tony b said:

Decided to give the folks at Porter Road meats a try after reading about them.


I like how they do the unusual cuts, so I decided to try a Bavette steak. They recommend a hot direct grill until medium. I tossed on some coffee wood chunks and cooked it on the lower grill. Dome was reading about 400F.


They recommended serving it with a chimichurri sauce - twist my arm on that one! I had also cooked an ear of corn on the half main grate before tossing on the steak. Served along with some mushrooms and a side salad and a nice Pinot Noir.


Next up on the menu will be their Denver Steak. 



I love Porter Road. Everything I have tried there was great. The tritip is close (enough) to SRF's wagyu at less than half the cost.

Good looking steak. chimichurri.....yum

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1 hour ago, Tyrus said:

Gonna be in a place not far from you called Vale soon

If you think that I'm close to Vale, then you need to go back and study geography a bit more! LOL I'm just a bit more than halfway there from your starting point. Per Google Maps - you're 1200 miles from me, and I'm almost 900 miles to Vale. Unlike New England, the states out here on the prairie are huge! 

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