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Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details

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Happy new year everyone, I hope you had a great holiday!

We had total fire bans here on the days leading up to Xmas, as we had a run of days that were 40+ Celsius.

Luckily I cooked my beef ribs for Xmas day, a few days before on the KK, as I predicted the fire bans coming. Reheated them in a slow cooker on Xmas day, they went down a treat!


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Happy new year everyone - hope 2022 brings everyone much happiness and good health.

We are a couple of months into our journey with the KK, and we are loving it.

Particularly like the cattleman’s steak (rib eye on the bone), pizzas and ribs.

Tonight was a cracking night in Sydney and we threw a few Morton bay bugs (I think they are called flat head lobster elsewhere) on the KK with a little garlic and ginger butter and grilled for 5 mins in shell side then a few mins on the meat side.

Finished off with so chives, green chillies and lime - They were delicious!!



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Remember the pic of the snow on my deck on NYD? Well, I cleared it off yesterday enough to get to the KK to cook dinner, seeing as it was the warmest day we'll see this week (34F).


A couple of notes: 1) Reminder if you live where it's cold like here, remember to take out your dome thermometer. I know better and forgot. Did a temperature check in boiling water and it was reading over 10F low. Not a biggie, but I'll adjust it before the next cook. 2) A very cold KK takes much longer to warm up than "normal." It's been in the single digits here most of the week during the day and below zero at night. I usually can get the KK up to temp (325F in this case) in about 30 minutes. Last night it took well over an hour. Threw off my whole cooking schedule. Which I took advantage of with an extra glass of wine while waiting! :wynar:

Trader Joe's chicken shawarma thighs on the menu.


Plated with curried rice, side salad and homemade tzatziki sauce. 



Good thing there's leftovers, as we're back in the deep freeze again. Super windy, too. Windchills in the -15F range all day today. High tomorrow and Friday of 2F.

Stay warm and safe, ya'll. Poor folks stranded on the VA highway overnight had it pretty rough!

Edited by tony b
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@RokDok got me into making cider although I managed to dodge the massive spend on scratters and such like by simply using my home juicer to start the process off.  We are visiting him next week and I may take a bottle with me so that he can judge whether I have ended up with cider or just a nice batch of cider vinegar.   

An interesting by product of the process were the cider lees - the sediment that falls to the bottom of your fermenting container as your apple juice turns to alchohol and clarifies (or at least, that is what I think was happening).  I used the cider lees to marinade wings and they came out nice and deeply delicious, a real umami flavour.  I also tried to use them to make a sourdough starter but that was not successful at all.  No pix, sorry, but I do have pics of the output of my cook last night.  I used this recipe https://www.quicksandfood.com/recipe/sake-lees-marinated-grilled-chicken-w-herb-salad-sesame-chilli-sauce/#ingredients and sake lees that friend bought me for a present.  My excuse for not taking the pic of the food cooking on the KK?  It was cold and dark out and I left my phone in the house!  I give you sake lees chicken shawarma.  Yum.


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@tekobo - I'm sure that your cider will be just fine. Nice tip on using the lees to marinate meats. I'll try and remember that the next time I make a batch of cider (been on my "to do" list for a couple of months now.) Sound very similar to the Japanese Shio Koji marinade that I've fallen in love with, very similar to your sake lees. 

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