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My add-on for tonight - Celebration steak dinner. I won 1st Place in Best of Show in a sanctioned homebrew competition today. Also took a 3rd Place in Best of Show for another beer. So, it was a very good day!! :smt041

Costco Prime Ribeye Cap with blue cheese mushroom sauce, melting potatoes cooked in duck fat and a nice Greek salad. A simple nice red wine, as I had sampled a few of the beers after the judging. We call it "Drinking the losers!" :occasion5:






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7 hours ago, tony b said:

My add-on for tonight - Celebration steak dinner. I won 1st Place in Best of Show in a sanctioned homebrew competition today. Also took a 3rd Place in Best of Show for another beer. So, it was a very good day!! :smt041

Costco Prime Ribeye Cap with blue cheese mushroom sauce, melting potatoes cooked in duck fat and a nice Greek salad. A simple nice red wine, as I had sampled a few of the beers after the judging. We call it "Drinking the losers!" :occasion5:

Congratulations on the win @tony b.  Awesome result, as Steve said, at the competition and dinner!

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Today I had the chance to try Tony's chips. I loved them, so much better than buying a greasy bag of overly salted chips. These chips have very little salt and very skimpy with the oil. You get to add the spices you like in the amount you like. ;) 

My air fryer can't be set at 330F so I used 325F and extended the time to 16mins. 

Yesterday I made a batch of roasted carrot hummus and loved it. Roasted the carrots and garlic on the KK.


I thought the chips and hummus would go together but they didn't, the hummus overpowered the chips. The good news is the hummus is wonderful with bagel crisps.

It is important to do small batches of chips, they need to be dry and crispy when taken out of the air fryer or they will end up soggy, better to over cook than to under cook.



Thanks again, Tony, this recipe is a real keeper. :smt060

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Thanks everyone! The 1st place beer is called "Mango Gose-a-Rita." The base beer was a German Gose style (tart w/sea salt and coriander), with mango and agave nectar added. The 3rd place beer was the same Gose, but unadulterated, and is called "Down Gose Frazier." This might turn into an opportunity to brew the beer at the local brewery that sponsored the competition and enter it in the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Pro-Am competition in Denver in October! Won't know about that until next weekend when we pour the competition beers at the "People's Choice" tasting/vote. 

Nice job on those chips, MacKenzie! 

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Thanks everyone! The 1st place beer is called "Mango Gose-a-Rita." The base beer was a German Gose style (tart w/sea salt and coriander), with mango and agave nectar added. The 3rd place beer was the same Gose, but unadulterated, and is called "Down Gose Frazier." This might turn into an opportunity to brew the beer at the local brewery that sponsored the competition and enter it in the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Pro-Am competition in Denver in October! Won't know about that until next weekend when we pour the competition beers at the "People's Choice" tasting/vote. 
Nice job on those chips, MacKenzie! 
I love this mango beer .https://matsos.com.au/products/mango-beer

Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk

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I'd love to send you a bottle of mine, Aussie, but I only made a gallon of it and there's only four 375ml bottles left; it will all likely get poured at this Sunday's event. BUT, if the brewery decides to make it and can it, I will try and send you some. 

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Nice buns, son! (Sorry, just had to say it! LOL)

Very nice day yesterday, so Gin & Tonic on the deck while I made some nice steak kabobs. I like to separate the different ingredients based on how they cook. Too often if you try and put everything together on one skewer, some pieces get overcooked or undercooked. The steak was marinated in chimichurri. Veggies got oiled and sprinkled with Lane's Q-Nami.


Direct with mesquite wood for smoke. 


Plated with some farro with goat cheese, basil and oil-cured black olives.



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Tony, a big congrats to you on your Homebrew competition! That would be great to win the next level and have your recipe made by a brewery and have on tap!  Keep us posted as we may have to do a road trip to have some of this beer!!!

Alimac23, your Pork Belly Bao buns look fantastic!!!!

I’m going to really need to kick up my game in order to feel worthy of posting my cooks on this website!!! I just found out that my grill finally cleared customs and should be shipping out today from California. I hope to have by next week and look forward to posting pictures.

All the best,


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I share your excitement. You're eagerly awaiting your new KK (awesome!), and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on my beer. Brewery is supposed to announce this Sunday who gets to brew their beer with them and enter it in the Pro-Am competition at GABF. Just because I won Best-in-Show, doesn't automatically get my beer moved on; it's totally up to the Brewery which beer that they want to make. One of the GABF Pro-Am rules is that the "Pro" has to actually sell the beer commercially, not just brew a small batch for the competition. So, if the Brewery thinks that my beer won't sell, would be too hard to make on their brewing system, or isn't economical to brew (costly ingredients), then they can pick another recipe/entry that they think fits them better. 

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Haha thanks @tony b cant beat a good set of buns lol!

Congrats on the homebrew comp win. I also entered a comp last weekend, my entry caused an argument between the judges. One wanted to give it a 37, the other a 36.5 and the last judge, who also happens to be the BJCP trainer for Western Australia wanted to give it a 23, go figure!

Unfortunately, in the end, the other two newer judges come way down and i ended up with a score of 25, which sucks as if the third judge had have been up there with the other two then my beer would have had a shot at taking first place. Oh well, these things happen.

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