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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Beautiful story, Jon. What a handsome dog, soooooooooo cute! Sorry he is no longer with you.
  2. Exactly as tquando said, get the cover with the KK. I live in Nova Scotia and grill all winter long, have had my grills for years without any problems. I do keep them covered.
  3. I will Tony, hopefully I'll remember when the time comes.
  4. Untreated. I know they have safe treated wood out these days but how long before they discover that it is not as safe as they thought.
  5. Work on my wife now [emoji4] Good luck.[emoji4]
  6. I just did what tekobo suggested and found this site that looks like it would work for you, Tony. https://www.rareseeds.com/shiso-perilla-purple-zi-su/
  7. and just to clarify, Jon, is calling the boat a dog and not a person. That is because, Jon is a classy guy.
  8. Yes, I flattened it out and with the olive oil I don't think it will freeze rock hard and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to break off what I want.
  9. I will ask a friend as she knows the person I bought the start plant from so she might be able to find the source of the seeds. I would like to grow it again for sure.
  10. I am anxious to see it back into shipshape, all cleaned up and painted, it will be stunning.
  11. Oh my, alimac, I'd love a bowl of that right now, delicious.
  12. BTW, Tony, I did fry up a couple of leaves when I did my potato and bean breakfast, nice. I'll be doing that again. I wonder how shiso dehydrates, I think I'll find out.
  13. I did another batch of basil yesterday, froze and vacuumed sealed it. I think I will be easily about to break off pieces when I want to use some then reseal the bag. I have used the ice cube trick on other things and not a real fan of it so I'm trying this method.
  14. My Shiso plant had a rough start but has come around. It is the first time I have grown it and hope to do it again next year as I very much like the taste and the appearance.
  15. You are going to have tasty sandwiches for the rest of the week.[emoji4]
  16. A week or so ago I was watching the Spence Watts' cooking show and saw him do a Sweet Potato Rostis that I knew I wanted to try. It is half sweet potato and half regular potato, grated along with some onion, add a little flour, salt and pepper. Squeeze the juice out as much as possible. Pack into a hot frying pan, when one side is brown flip and brown the opposite side. Plated with those yellow beans from the garden.
  17. Thanks for that tip, Tony, I will give it a try.
  18. Every summer I wait for the yellow beans to appear. I love have fried bean, potato and onion breakfast. Steam the beans and potatoes the night before then fry them up with butter and onion for breakfast. This is my favourite summertime breakfast and I have it everyday until the beans are gone. This summer I grew the Japanese herb, Shiso. Beautiful colour and great flavour. Here's to summer breakfasts.
  19. Tony, what a fantastic celebration. There's that corn that I have yet to have for the season. You are making me envious.
  20. Loved it, what a fantastic dinner.
  21. Gee, ck & sk, that sure looks like a fun and tasty cook.
  22. Today started with a very simple objective, make my first batch of basil pesto. I have a bumper crop of basil this year, first time ever. Thought I'd have an easy day, pesto, no big deal. This looks interesting, I have to taste it, but I don't have any spaghetti in the house. Guess I have to make some since I really do want to taste it on something. If it's good, then I'll make more and freeze it for the winter. Homemade spaghetti spinning in the pot. Add a little of the pasta water to thin the pesto a little. Plated with some previously KK grilled meatballs. Today I just warmed them up and put a rack on top of the SoloStove and got the outside of the meatballs a little crispy. It was delicious and now I'm up for making a lot more pesto. Say GOODBYE to that store bought pesto.
  23. Oh, so it is not a really long wait, lucky you.
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