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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. It looks awesome to me, it is making my mouth water. Then again I am remembering your other bread recipe that I made. I swear it is the only loaf of bread that I want to eat up as soon as it cools. I can eat slice after slice of it.
  2. Either way it means you have to keep trying until you get it perfect and in the meantime all those delicious not quite perfect pizzas.
  3. I hope you shared that delicious pizza with SK.
  4. Fortunately I had leftovers from that rotisserie chicken cook, but that was the plan in the first place. This is the first batch of Swiss Chard from the garden.:)
  5. BonFire, the chicken cook and the Spanish Potato Casserole look delicious. BTW, if you have any potato casserole left it does warn up rather nicely.
  6. Chanly, I agree with Pequod, do the bake in the oven just like normal for the recipe. The baking steel will make the bottom a lot darker than the top, that is where Dennis' baking stone comes into play it is formulated so that the bottom doesn't get over cooked while the top is cooking. I hope you do a show and tell. :):)
  7. Making good use of those bone from the rotisserie chicken - stock
  8. Bruce, it is an old story. One of my first KK cooks was to make nachos and since broccoli loves cheese I put it on my nachos and Tony gave me the gears for doing that so every now and then I like to tease him about it. Yes, I still put broccoli on the nachos if I have it at hand.
  9. That would like hydroplaning without the water.
  10. , be careful, Tony, or I'll bring out the broccoli on my nachos dish. This is the healthy version.
  11. This afternoon I did a basket rotisserie KK chicken, 6.7 pounds at about 400F. Chicken is ready for the rotisserie. Strapped that chicken in place and put it on the KK. While the chicken was roasting, I had a very nice lunch, new to me but I will be doing it again. Last night I made some chickpea tofu. It had pepper, cumin, cayene pepper, garlic granules and onion powder. It is nothing like that stuff you buy in the store, very tasty, reminded me of chicken flavour and it was spicy. Nice texture too. Served it with some spinach from the garden, and some roasted mushrooms. I should have done more mushrooms, next time. Chicken is done and it apparently had an accident or was beaten up in the roasting process. I think it was because it was partially frozen and while I clamped it in tight when it thawed it shrunk and bounced around in the cradle. Still tastes just like it is supposed to.;) Unfortunately I only have a phone shot. Roasted Chicken. When the chicken came off the KK I put on a Syzygies' Residual Casserole. You really have to smell this, it fills the house with the most wonderful aroma.
  12. That is quite the collection, Bruce.
  13. Once a year if you are lucky. Some years none.
  14. Tangles, it keeps me out of trouble, most times.
  15. Thanks ck, seems pretty much only once a year if one is lucky.
  16. The morning after the big party, anyone know this feeling?
  17. I think we must be fully open. There is a scent from these flowers, rather pleasant and the flowers are a good 9 inches in diameter.
  18. Exactly Tony, if you snooze you loose in this case.:) I took these with the cell phone cam.
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