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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Exactly what Tony, the broccoli man says. There really is no substitute for the KK baking stone but you do have a work around and may I suggest you not try to do an extra high temperature cook. Good luck.[emoji16] Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  2. Sure sounds like you are convinced on the use of the smoking pot. I'm wanting to try it on bacon.:)
  3. Thanks for posting that CK, it sure sounds and looks tasty.:)
  4. Thank you tinyfish for the vote of confidence. It must have been my twin sister.;)
  5. Just look at that smoke ring. : What a tasty looking cook. It isn't going to last too long.
  6. What and no nacho pixs. I'm starving;) I'd say that was a pretty early start.;)
  7. Rak, what a great cook you had today, tasty tasty, I bet.
  8. Steve, that dinner plate looks lovely, I'd sure like to be tasting that dinner. BTW, you must have been up early.
  9. It looks awesome, mouth watering good.
  10. It's a wonder it didn't make the news, 2 guys drilling holes in a new CI pot.
  11. Sure looks tasty, ck and I can't wait until I get my peach jam so I can try it.
  12. I'm looking forward to the final pixs of this cook, should be fantastic.:)
  13. Aussie, wow, that is a tasty looking steak dinner, great colour on those steaks.:)
  14. Hi Rak, my pot is coming from Amazon this week. Guess you'll be trying yours before I get mine. Let us know how you managed.:)
  15. Yes, I don't believe Dennis called it a serving tray but the moment I saw it in my bundle it looked so pretty that I couldn't figure out what it was and thought it must be a serving tray. Someone corrected me and said it was a heat deflector. I've used it as a heat deflector and now can no longer call it a serving tray. That just goes to show you how good the things are that Dennis includes in every shipment. You are so right cschaaf, it is a piece of art.
  16. Bruce, I have thought about doing it but sorry to say that haven't made my own, YET.
  17. Some leftovers for dinner today, Greek Souflima, served with kimchi, rice, and grilled beets.
  18. For the 65th, I think you should start with breakfast and I'm willing to bet there is something in the cellar that would be appropriate.
  19. It was just too nice this morning to cook in the kitchen so why pass up a chance to cook on the KK. Bacon, eggplant, boiled egg (just warming up) and keeping the toast warm. If you haven't tried bacon on the grill it is absolutely wonderful. Plated. Someone over boiled the egg yesterday hence the pretty green colour.:)
  20. Yes, I have a couple of big binders. It's a must for me. I can't remember everything. Actually I keep a copy on the PC and make prints which I keep in clear plastic sleeves in a binder. This keeps things nice and clean. Any changes I write on the paper copy and correct PC stored version too.
  21. Thanks, Bosco, we do have a Bass Pro and I did look there but no luck. I see an error in my post it should say 53.49+ 15% tax, shipping is included. Thanks for the generous offer to ship me one but I'll save that offer for another time if I may.[emoji3] When the savings will be even bigger.[emoji16]
  22. Well that was all hush hush so none of us could crash that party. [emoji16] However it is not too late to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TONY AND MANY MORE.[emoji16]
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