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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Happy Birthday to you, Tony, Happy Birthday to you and many more.
  2. That was a big hit and I'm sure Pauli's KK will be one too.
  3. Tasty looking eats for sure.[emoji1]
  4. Aussie, your ribs are sure looking beautiful.[emoji4]
  5. Aussie, your secret is safe with me. CK, use lots.
  6. Got the cold smoker out while I was doing the bacon smoke. The whisky barrel wood smells so good and so does my bacon.:) Taste test tomorrow at breakfast. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight.
  7. I just finished planting the rest of my flowers and my veggie garden you have no idea how much I'd like to be sitting at your table with that in front of me.
  8. I have a gone right to pieces hanging around you people, I'm now into pot smoking and purple crack, where will it stop.
  9. Wow, Aussie, you sure are eating the good stuff.
  10. Shuley, it sure does look like and extra tasty cook.
  11. Wouldn't I like to have 2 or 3 of those beauties.
  12. I did some frozen plate cut sweet potatoes last evening, some good.[emoji11]
  13. The experience of getting the KK on your deck is not one you are likely to forget.
  14. Marinated some pork tenderloin cubes overnight in a sauce of sriracha sauce, brown sugar and cornstarch. Saved a little to brush on the cubes once they were cooked. Going for a spin. Part way through you can hear the male pheasant calling, dinner at MacKenzie's. Cooked. Brushed with more sriracha and brown sugar sauce. Plated with some micro greens from the planter on the deck and sprinkled some onion chives and garlic chives. It will be much easier when I get my OctoFork Skewers. Hint hint.
  15. I'm glad you were able to rescue enough for dinner.[emoji4]
  16. Fantastic job on dinner, ck. [emoji16][emoji4]Beautiful.
  17. Aussie, dinner is looking extra tasty with the baked potato and carrots.
  18. Wow, everything looks fabulous, that pineapple is to die for.
  19. I believe OctoForks carries that same motor but you might want to see if you can price match and he also has free shipping, get the whole schbang at once.:)
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