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Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details

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Everyone must be eating out, so chicken wings & potato and onion Perogi were on the plate. An interesting addition also if you are unaware was Black Garlic to the left of the plate. Now it doesn't have a strong flavor yet a more sweeter/tangier bouquet to it. Whatever was lost in the translation of aging came out differently  with a pleasing taste. I feel it's better served with a Caviar, shrimp, on a good buttered bread, a charcuterie board aside sliced meats etc, or on it's own. They peel easy and clean, they are expensive I thought, 3 good size whole clove garlics for $15.00. I found them at a farmers market in the Berkshires of Massachusetts and I obliged. Something different, unique and applicable to the imagination. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had these and what their thoughts were. Just a thought .
   While preparing supper I heard a clatter above my head in the trees, it turned out to be a Red Tail Hawk sitting on a branch surrounded by 4 Ravens. The hawk didn't move and the ravens pestered him but kept their distance. My camera is old and I thought C6Bill would have captured the feathers or at least the moment because they were at a stand off for sometime.




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