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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Swordfish night on the 16: Accompanied with bay shrimp cocktail and Schramsberg Hyde Vineyard sparkling wine.
    9 points
  2. Hah. Or the 'expensive friendships' you develop on this forum! I think the enjoyment of the KK is elevated by the like mindedness and spirit of this community. It's -3 up in Suffolk and I did the roast chicken in the cradle. There was one point when I debated climbing in for a few rotations to keep warm. The temperatures are really testing my commitment at the moment. Admittedly, I was standing outside in flip flops but details schmetails.
    6 points
  3. Ha. @tony b calls it The Obsession. He would be even more accurate if he called us The Obsessives. We gravitate towards the KK because it looks like it will help us with our known obsessions. What no one warns you about are the new obsessions that you will develop as a result of owning a KK. I spent yesterday evening cooking dinner on my new 32 and then finished off cooking three loaves of bread. All on a dark, dank, night in the UK. Now all I can think of is when I will do it again and what I can tweak to make it better. Of the three loaves I am most pleased with this one. Until you get your KK you can only imagine how nice it is to cut through that crust. Welcome. To the Dark Side.
    6 points
  4. Did some pork ribs today. It was a different experience. This time of year it just gets so dark sooo early. Ribs on the grill. My thermometer has been stuck for hours, ohhh, that's right it's a KK. 5 hours later, if I wasn't so hungry I would have gone for another hour or 2.
    6 points
  5. Thanks Pequod. Steam - yes. Shop bought pizza stone - yes. Temp - out of control at about 300C (it was late and I have not yet got the hang of the temperature settings for my 32). Taste - delicious. It was the kamut porridge loaf out of Tartine No 3 with an extra twist of soaking the kamut flakes in whey for a couple of days before making up the porridge. Nuts - in a good way.
    5 points
  6. I did check it out before I bought the PKGo. Looks like a nice grill but they advertise it mostly as a high temp steak cooker for that BBQ circuit. I'm waiting for @ckreef to get one and post his review 😀
    5 points
  7. I have only had mine unpacked for 4 days and have cooked on it every night so far. they are so much better than you can imagine, tomorrow is Beef ribs first time ever can't wait......never done low and slow before I will send you the photos. 21" kk perfect for 4-6 people.
    5 points
  8. Good to see there is no peer pressure here😁 This here is the reason Dennis doesn't need dealers. Everyone here is selling it for him. If I was buying, a 23 would be tops and pebbles over tiles. Guess now I have to pick a color.
    5 points
  9. So I was searching the forum to try and figure out when I needed to use the heat deflectors.... Found the answer
    5 points
  10. @Troble For swordfish, my prep varies a bit but nothing too exotic. Last night was just evo and a little salt and pepper with mesquite smoke wood. Often I will do a marinade for about 30 minutes of evo, shallots, a touch of crushed garlic, salt / pepper and whichever white wine we are having for dinner (chard, sauv blanc, sparkling). Occasionally I change it up with a (very) little soy sauce and rice wine. In the latter two, I probably would just use lump and no smoke wood. I think swordfish is pretty tasty however it is cooked. Especially if it follows a bay shrimp cocktail...
    4 points
  11. I’m On a rainforest holiday at Maleny reading this book. It’s pretty good. I didn’t know who James Strawbridge was before... now I do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  12. Last night's dinner - Mojo marinated pork tenderloin, rubbed with lemon zest/juice, garlic and smoked paprika. Lower grate, direct, 325F with apple wood chunks. (Not sure where the white streak of light came from? Aliens trying to steal my dinner?? LOL!) Plated with roasted potatoes, mixed peppers and red onion. Chimichurri sauce on the side. Nice Carménère to go with it.
    4 points
  13. Welcome. Any thoughts on size? If we're going to ensnare you, we might as well upsell you too.
    4 points
  14. @IndGrill What size and colour are you not in the market for yet ?
    4 points
  15. 3 months tops. Poor guy is hooked and doesn't realize it yet.
    3 points
  16. Yep, I remember making exactly that decision.... 32 tile on its way (currently crossing the med - heading towards Sicily) 😃 What are you using at the moment @IndGrill ??
    2 points
  17. I know this is an old thread, but take a look at M Grills C4. No connection to the company other than as a customer.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. I am hoping it will be fine for all but the top grate which has handles on both sides. It says the inside depth is 4.5cm which should be enough for soaking the grates individually. I just wanted something that I could store more easily. Could be a fail...we shall see.
    2 points
  20. Nothing I think will ever convert me to fish.
    2 points
  21. Thank you. Great video @tekobo. Nicely explained, can't wait to put those instructions to good use !
    2 points
  22. Are you kidding? After the multicam Zoom unloading experience, I fully expect Dennis to be going to @tekobofor the next series of cooking videos. Stephen Raich-who? 😀
    2 points
  23. Welcome. The clock is ticking!
    2 points
  24. Road side chicken, whole java-talapia fish, and prawns. All so moist prawns hot and sweet
    2 points
  25. I am not great with tools and was not looking forward to trying to figure out how to fit the rotisserie. In the end it turned out to be pretty easy. In the video I have tried to illustrate all the details that a novice like me needed to know. Happy for others to add more detail to this post and correct me if there is anything that I missed. Dennis has a video on his Komodo Kamado website illustrating the use of the rotisserie cradle in the 32 Big Bad. It is here: I used this as my reference point when I came to fit my rotisserie. His video includes real food AND illustrates the use of the reducer in the cradle.
    1 point
  26. Finished and installed this one for my wife's sister & hub. it is a slab of magnolia, I flattened just one side and 'folded' the ends over. it hangs using a blind french cleat.
    1 point
  27. It's been the craziest of years, I'd like to thank everyone here on the forum for your help and support over the years. Merry Happy to you all.
    1 point
  28. I have a PK Grills classic currently and an M Grills M1s on order to replace it. Moved between Singapore and Silicon Valley in the last few years so needed something that wouldnt rust and would withstand shipment multiple times. So PK was ideal for that . To a large extent that also influenced my M Grills purchase because we enjoyed living in Singapore and entertain ideas of going back sometime. When do move again to singapore, I would order a KK 23 to give me the ultimate outdoor kitchen.
    1 point
  29. @wibblyleebefore you go to pizza steel try heat soaking the stone for 60 minutes. You’ll get much better crust with a hotter stone. I usually start my pizzas with parchment paper on the stone then remove the paper the final 2-3 minutes for extra crispy crust. Usually cook for 10 minutes at 500 degrees with pizza stone heat soaked an hour. Give that a try and let us know how it works out have no fear your first pizzas look much better than mine!
    1 point
  30. Good looking pizzas wibblylee. I would second that emotion - that pizza recipe that @MacKenzie turned us on to is really simple, reliable and tasty. Best of all, I find it works with just 3-4 hours of proving and so I don't need to plan a day ahead if I want to have pizza.
    1 point
  31. They look pretty good to me Mac. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Yum. That looks good kiwiIndo. Maybe you can convert a few members here across to seafood? Seems like you have quickly got the hang of using your KK. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Beware the power of the dark side... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Welcome! The above statement generally starts the countdown clock. The over/under is 4 months.
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the welcome MacKenzie and Bruce. Bruce, I will take you up on the offer once our covid situation improves.
    1 point
  36. Finally tried pizza again after a miserable fail a number of years ago. Utilized MacKenzie’s suggestion of Roberta’s dough recipe (really easy to make and would recommend this even with AP only). Heat soaked KK to 500F at dome, added the ceramic baking stone to upper grate for 30min prior to cook. Cooked pizzas for 6-8 mins. Crust had nice crunch and chew. I’ve read about using a pizza steel so may look to pick one up to try. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. This will help with the confusion @tekobo. Good job. I think there are a few fundamentals that once you understand (the fact that mounts are spring loaded and have flex in them for example), it's not that complicated. Rotisserie chicken happening here on Thursday as it happens.
    1 point
  38. Great looking bird. Congratulations! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. The ideal color, if I do say so myself!
    1 point
  40. Looking good KiwiIndo. First cook chook looks tasty too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. BigO I too have ordered and waiting for the big delivery. In the meantime I have stocked up on various types of meat to cook. Bought breaking lump charcoal. Mixed a bottle of butt rub. Named my bbq. Gathered recipes. Built a deck. So KK’ers what do I do next to pass the time while I wait for delivery?
    1 point
  42. Sorry, didn't know we were doing breakfast pics. Mine was a simple scrambled eggs with boursin cheese and "black crack." Side of breakfast sausage and toast w/jam. Will post pics of dinner later though.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. the bow ties are made from red heart.
    1 point
  45. Well things changed i didn't get to work yahoo Will be a big day unpacking tomorrow morning
    1 point
  46. Well while i am awaiting some daylight here are some more pics...... I don't want to say what everyone else has said but.... this is indeed a Bentley compared to any other car manufacture (insert lawsuit here) pic 4 shows a problem i had not looked out for, a added pallet N.B.Ask the delivery driver to off load the KK before he leaves i don't think it clearly shows how high this was now off the ground my son in pic's 10 + 11 is around 20stone and he was slipping on the ply as we offloaded her. Whew the cabinet should be a breeze 💨
    1 point
  47. Woohoo! Congratulations and welcome to the club! You can look at as many pics and videos as you like, you think you understand what having one is like, until it arrives, then you get the real ownership experience. What’s the first cook going to be? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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