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Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details

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Oak is what 99% of the firewood salespeople have around here. I lucked out on some cherry and hickory in addition to the oak I have. All of it was around $85 a rick...2 ricks make a cord and a rick is 4 feet high, 2 feet wide and 8 feet long. Some of them make a rick 18" wide instead of 2 feet since it fits in a smaller fireplace. Some guys sell it by the pickup load. So don't show up in a Ford Ranger...go for the Tundra. 

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Easter with the family here- so for the adults I prepared Bistecca Fiorentina; each of the steaks weighed 1kg. Indirect and then reverse sear, few pear wood chunks. Served with smashed roast potatoes and a classic caramelised pear/rocket/Parmesan salad. Happy days…








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A nice  3 inch prime rib steak dinner was the cook of the day- along with some fried mushrooms and roasted potatoes.

The rib steak was marinated for 24 hours in a mix of soy sauce, beer, oil, Worchester Sauce, garlic, Dejon mustard and pepper.





I know, I know, I sliced the steak too thin but it tasted wonderful. :) 


Edited by MacKenzie
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Started off this Easter Sunday with a salmon and asparagus quiche (not cooked on the KK)



BUT, dinner was done on the KK. Lamb chops and asparagus, lower grate, 325F, grape vine for smoking wood.


Plated with melting potatoes and a Greek salad.



Hope the Easter Bunny was good to all y'all! 🐰

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